On this page you will find a quick guide to the Médiathèque Pédagogique which will allow you to upload a video, edit its information and share it.


  1.   Access to the Médiathèque Pédagogique


    Once on the site, click on the Login button at the top right. (The code and password are the identifiers of your digital account).

    Bouton connexion


  2.   Upload a video

    Click Add a Video.

    Ajouter une vidéo

    You arrive on the form for adding a new video.

    Formulaire d'ajout de la vidéo

    Choose the video from your computer and fill in at least the Title, Type and Discipline fields.
    However, it is recommended to complete all fields.

    Formulaire d'ajout de la vidéo

    Formulaire d'ajout de la vidéo

    Draft mode is checked by default, so the video will only be visible to you.

    If you uncheck Draft mode, other options appear:

    Formulaire d'ajout de la vidéo

    • Restricted access : only users with an account (university staff and students) will be able to play the video.
    • Password : the video will be protected by a password set here. So you can give access to this video only to people to whom you have provided a password.

    Once the parameters are filled, you can click on the Save button and continue editing.

    Vidéo en cours d'encodage

    You will receive an email as soon as the encoding of the video is finished.



  3.   Manage a video

    You can access your videos through your profile menu.

    Menu mes vidéos

    For each video you have options:

    Bloc gérer la vidéo

    Edit the video
    Complete the video
    Chapter the video
    Delete the video


  4.   Share a video

    The sharing tab is accessible via the icon   under the video.

    Icône du menu de partage

    This allows you to determine various playback parameters.

    Options du menu de partage

    Then you can use one of the following sharing methods :

    • Integration code : to be pasted in an HTML text, for example in an e.campus course.
    • Sharing link : to communicate in an email for example.
    • QR code : to flash with a mobile application for example.

    Regardless of the sharing method, the video settings will apply.


This translation has been made with babelfish.fr .